Our blue light glasses filters are tested so make sure they block 30% of all blue light. We have a video of our blue light filter test which we can send you via e-mai/DMl. If you also wish to return your product for a full refund please e-mail us support@kanturo.com.
Thank you guys so much for watching! Feel free to do your own research, and find out for yourself how well blue light glasses work. Love you guys💕I hope you
Feel free to do your own research, and find out for yourself how well blue light glasses work. Love you guys💕I hope you My honest experience with these blue light glasses. Use code DIAMOND20 to get 20% off. ・゚: * ・゚:* OPEN ME *:・゚ *:・゚ DISCLAIMER: These glasses were gifted to me. This is NOT a paid promotion. All comments made in this video are 100% my own opi I have never left a bad review on anything in my life but this company is just beyond ridiculous. I ordered two pairs of blue light glasses on the 31st of January.
Browse products here. FREE Shipping on orders over €35/£30/$40 + 40% off selected Eyewear Clea Kanturo™ Blue Light Glasses. $ 45.00. Marcus Kanturo™ Blue Light Glasses. $ 45.00. New Arrivals. Sale.
I love my new Kanturo glasses I love my new Kanturo glasses. I didn´t know that they are also glasses with UV filters, so that´s great! I think I don´t feel eye pain so much these days, so thank you for I ordered two pairs of blue light glasses on the 31st of January.
Not only will they eliminate tiredness, headaches and sore eyes, our unique Kanturo™ Technology diffuses the harmful Blue Light Rays. Benefits: ☑Better Sleep - Research has shown that when we are exposed to blue light, it … Kanturo Eyewear is an Irish company offering stylish blue light glasses, prescription glasses & sunglasses so you can protect your eyes at all times with style! Kanturo’s blue light glasses for women are the perfect stylish addition to any outfit, protecting your eyes from the negative effects of blue light while looking great too. Offering a variety of different styles to suit your own unique look, Kanturo blue light glasses offer the best in protection without sacrificing on style.
I have never left a bad review on anything in my life but this company is just beyond ridiculous. I ordered two pairs of blue light glasses on the 31st of January. It’s been a whole month and absolutely no sign of them. I completely understand that there are delays but this is ridiculous.
$ 45.00. New Arrivals. Sale.
You've already flagged this Hayley Freeman 1 review. GB. I have just ordered another pair of my… I have just ordered another pair of my kanturo glasses so theyre always to hand. I have terrible light sensitivity
Oct 6, 2019 - The stunning unisex Dawn Kanturo Blue Light Blocking Glasses.
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Sale. Bora Hello, Sign in. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Try Prime Thank you guys so much for watching!
Shop now with free delivery. May 3, 2020 - Protect your eyes from blue light with our stunning original blue light glasses. Available in black, clear and pink; these frames are our best selling model!
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I have never left a bad review on anything in my life but this company is just beyond ridiculous. I ordered two pairs of blue light glasses on the 31st of January. It’s been a whole month and absolutely no sign of them. I completely understand that there are delays but this is ridiculous.
Marcus Kanturoâ„¢ Blue Light Glasses. $ 45.00. New Arrivals.
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The sun is the biggest source of blue light. Popular electronics are another source. Learn more about blue light and how it works. Your tablet, smartphone, laptop and flat screen TV all have one thing in common: They each give off blue ligh
All comments made in this video are 100% my own opi If Your struggling to sleep at night, here's why😱 Blue Light from phones and laptop screens stops the release of the sleep hormone (Melatonin)🤓 This makes it very hard to sleep, especially if you look at screens 3 hours before bed!🖥 The Kanturo™ Blue Light Blocking Glasses eliminates tiredness, headaches and sore eyes plus. they're pretty darn cute on too!🤓 Join the 1000 Kooper +Blue Light® Computer Glasses Protect Your Eyes While Staring at Digital Screens. Fewer Headaches.