1. MMW Munch Med Wochenschr. 1977 Apr 8;119(14):461-4. [Commotio cerebri and headache: (author's transl)]. [Article in German] Wessely P. Headaches form an essential part of the syndrome after concussion of the brain.


The Hippocratic Corpus, a collection of medical works from ancient Greece, mentions concussion, later translated to commotio cerebri, and discusses loss of speech, hearing and sight that can result from "commotion of the brain".

Also includes vocabulary coach, verb tables and pronunciation information. Definition of Commotio cerebri in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Commotio cerebri? Meaning of Commotio cerebri as a legal term. What does Commotio cerebri mean in law? This is used in a doctors report which is given after he has examined a patient has been in a car accident.

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mild traumatic brain injury [Commotio cerebri] Kommotionssyndrom {n} [leichtes Schädel-Hirn-Trauma, Gehirnerschütterung] med. mild concussion [Commotio cerebri] Se hela listan på praktiskmedicin.se commotio translation in Latin-English dictionary. Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. [Differential diagnosis of commotio from contusio cerebri]. [Article in English, German] LECHNER H, JENKNER FL. PMID: 13200075 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] MeSH Terms. Brain* Brain Concussion* Brain Injuries* Diagnosis, Differential* Electroencephalography* Wounds and Injuries* commotion cérébrale translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'commotionné',commémoration',commutation',consommation', examples, definition Grades (Commotio cerebri oder Gehirnerschütterung): leichte, gedeckte Hirnverletzung mit akuter, vorübergehender Funktionsstörung des Gehirns.

The Hippocratic Corpus, a collection of medical works from ancient Greece, mentions concussion, later translated to commotio cerebri, and discusses loss of speech, hearing and sight that can result from "commotion of the brain". Contextual translation of "commotio cerebri" into English.

a clinical syndrome usually due to head trauma, characterized by immediate but transient impairment of cerebral function, principally alteration of consciousness, but also disturbance of vision and equilibrium, without any detectable structural brain damage. Synonym (s): commotio cerebri Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

svenne. 2011-09-09, 12:15.

Concussion - commotio cerebri - mTBI . Concussion, often referred to as mTBI. Read it . The term concussion originates from the latin verb 'concutere' meaning: dash together or shake violently. A concussion is a 'mild' form of brain injury following a blow to the head or after a fall in which the brains are shuffled back and forth.

Commotio cerebri english

19 synonyms for concussion: shock, brain injury, impact, crash, shaking, clash, jarring, collision, jolt, jolting, bump, collision, crash, impact, jar, jolt. [Differential diagnosis of commotio from contusio cerebri].

The classic definition of a cerebral concussion (commotio cerebri) implied a transient which were translated to Latin and then English as commotio cerebri.
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Title of host publication, Ortopædkirurgi. Sygdomslære og sygepleje. Editors, Steen Olesen, Anne Dalgaard, Britta Hørdam, Preben  a clinical syndrome usually due to head trauma, characterized by immediate but transient impairment of cerebral function, principally alteration of consciousness, but also disturbance of vision and equilibrium, without any detectable structural brain damage.

Start; / Behandling; / Akut internmedicin; / Elektrolytrubbningar, syra-bas och vätskebalans; / Metabolisk acidos  Thank you Grahame for your support and for proof reading the English summary! 3 Commotio, skakning, t.ex. commotio cerebri, hjärnskakning (Lundh  hematom].
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English observed in his Hunterian Lecture in 1904 ure in British medicine, making seminal contributions to pathology Commotio Cerebri: Cerebral Con-.

Commotio cerebri synonyms, Commotio cerebri pronunciation, Commotio cerebri translation, English dictionary definition of  the Danish Consensus Report on Commotio Cerebri [3] within the last 2 - 3 months Results will be published in international peer-reviewed journals in English  I Danmark benyttes fortrinsvis diagnosen commotio cerebri, mens der i den engelsksprogede litteratur i højere grad benyttes betegnelsen ”concussion”. Baseret  English observed in his Hunterian Lecture in 1904 ure in British medicine, making seminal contributions to pathology Commotio Cerebri: Cerebral Con-.

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Learn the definition of 'commotio cerebri'. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Browse the use examples 'commotio cerebri' in the great English corpus.

injury to the brain or spinal cord due to jarring from a blow, fall, or the like. 2. shock caused by the impact of a collision, blow, etc.