PsycINFO. PsycINFO. Psykologi, beteendevetenskap, sociologi, psykiatri. Referenser från ca 2500 Thesaurus: Svensk MeSH – eng, sve. Manual: Sökhjälp
thesaurus. They are assigned to consistently describe the concepts included in the content of an article or document. Record may contain descriptors in major or minor index term fields. Valid Forms: DE Example: DE(behavior) DE("racial and ethnic differences") Intended Audience / Target Audience This field contains a description of the intended
Psykologi, beteendevetenskap, sociologi, psykiatri. Referenser från ca 2500 Thesaurus: Svensk MeSH – eng, sve. Manual: Sökhjälp Ämnesordslistor. Svensk MeSH · Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) · Cinahl Headings · Thesaurus (PsycInfo) av T Sjöbäck · 2017 — Databassökning i Psycinfo som är en omfattande databas inom det vårdvetenskapliga området, PsycInfo CINAHL´s egen thesaurus CINAHL Headings. Sedan 1985 har CAB Thesaurus använts för att välja kontrollerad vokabulär termer för ämnesindexering. Library of Congress Subject Headings används som Att skriva or mellan orden betyder att databasen ska åtminstone hitta ett av mina synonymer.
A new thesaurus-specific Browse Screen is displayed. PsycINFO provides access to international literature in psychology and related disciplines. Unrivaled in its depth of psychological coverage and respected worldwide for its high quality, the database is enriched with literature from an array of disciplines related to psychology such as psychiatry, education, business, medicine, nursing, pharmacology, law, linguistics, and social work. 2015-12-18 · For example, searching PsycINFO for a new Index Term, Playfulness, returns items published from 1959 onward – not just the research that’s been tagged since this Index Term was added to the Thesaurus. This process of tagging old records with new Index Terms ensures that people searching with new Index Terms can find older records as well.
For example, if you were researching hearing and considered using the search term "acoustic stimuli," the Thesaurus tells you that in PsycINFO you should use the term "auditory stimulation" instead.
DE Subjects (exact). The DE stands for Descriptors, and descriptors are specific subject terms created by the American Psychological Association indexers to control how subjects can be searched. The object is to make searches precise. Descriptors are vocabulary terms that were originally (before the online era) listed in the
The ERIC Thesaurus contains a total of 11,818 terms. There are 4,552 Descriptors and 7,133 Synonyms. There are also 133 Dead terms which are no longer used as Descriptors but remain in the Thesaurus to aid in searching older records.
Det har de gjort för att många medicinska fenomen, som bröstcancer i exemplet nedan, kan beskrivas med olika ord. I PubMed kallas den här ämnesordslistan för "MeSH", i CINAHL för "CINAHL Subject Headings" och i PsycInfo "Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms".
I Psycinfo är det bästa sättet att söka i regel att använda det begrepp som subject headings, controlled terms, controlled vocabulary eller thesaurus i Collection, PsycINFO och SocINDEX. Elite,Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, PsycINFO, DE = Term from the thesaurus. av L Broman · 2016 — PubMed och PsycINFO har sökningar genomförts för att finna relevanta sökordet som fanns som indexord i Thesaurus men när det användes gavs få och. I databaserna Pubmed och PsycINFO användes både ä 1 Qualitative study Fritext 2 Refugees OR “Asylum seek*” Thesaurus 220598 5475 av L Andrée — PubMed och PsycInfo, vilket innebär att färre databaser genomsöktes för DE = Kontrollerade ämnesord från ASSIA:s thesaurus. 6 Artikelsökning PsycInfo . Medical Subject Headings [MeSH] i PubMed och Thesaurus i PsycInfo. Inga artiklar från databasen PsycInfo gick då vidare.
Ämnesorden är hierarkiskt
Thesaurus (Red arrow): The Thesaurus is a feature that allows you to look up the terms that PsycINFO uses for certain concepts. For example, if you were researching hearing and considered using the search term "acoustic stimuli," the Thesaurus tells you that in PsycINFO you should use the term "auditory stimulation" instead. 2021-03-26 · APA PsycInfo® is indexed using the APA Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms. The database also allows searching by classification, test & measure, supplemental data, and more to ensure efficient and effective searching.
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Cela peut jouer sur le nombre de résultats 15 jun 2020 PsycINFO har en ämnesordslista som heter APA Thesaurus of Vid en fritextsökning görs sökningen enbart på de ord du skriver in i sökrutan. Aceda a informação através da B-On, de bases de dados, do repositório da UAlg e de ligações recomendadas, como: bibliotecas, catálogos, dicionários, Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: Miguel de Cervantes Digital Library may also be found in the Library catalogue under their own titles, e.g.PsycINFO, Cinahl, The Thesaurus Linguae Latinae is the first comprehensive dictionary o "Thesaurus" anklicken bzw.
The object is to make searches precise. Descriptors are vocabulary terms that were originally (before the online era) listed in the
2019-12-17 · thesaurus. They are assigned to consistently describe the concepts included in the content of an article or document.
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Cinahl Subject Headings. PsycInfo thesaurus. Emtree. Le thésaurus Emtree a bcp plus de descripteurs que Medline. Cela peut jouer sur le nombre de résultats
For more detailed information see the tutorials below. Using the Advanced Search, APA PsycInfo will match your keywords to its own list of subject headings this is a good thing!
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APA PsycInfo® is a department of the American Psychological Association (APA) dedicated to Most ProQuest databases have an associated thesaurus.
Find a term in the APA Thesaurus Choose 'APA THESAURUS', enter a word or a phrase, and select the magnifying glass icon to search. DE Subjects (exact). The DE stands for Descriptors, and descriptors are specific subject terms created by the American Psychological Association indexers to control how subjects can be searched. The object is to make searches precise. Descriptors are vocabulary terms that were originally (before the online era) listed in the What is the PsycINFO thesaurus?