What you need to know about monstera. Name: Swiss cheese plant, fruit salad plant, Mexican breadfruit, split leaf philodendron, Monstera deliciosa, Swiss 


Exactly when a Monstera becomes dormant depends on the region it lives in, but it’s safe to say that most Monsteras will begin winding down for the winter in October. If dormancy is what’s causing your Monstera not to put out new growth, don’t worry!

They do not tolerate cold temperatures and might not dry well. It results in eventual damage, meaning that you have to wait for another season. Such can be a frustrating wait for propagation. If you are lucky with the Monstera Deliciosa seeds, you can place them in moist and warm soil like many other seeds. Do not worry too much about light. The Monstera Adansonii grows vigorously at regular intervals and usually cannot be taken into consideration as house plants. The plant has large, heart-shaped leaves and is a climb-loving plant.

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2021-01-28 · Spring or Summer are considered to be the best seasons to propagate Monstera Deliciosa. This is when it goes through a growth spurt. You can also propagate your Monstera Deliciosa in Autumn and Winter, but growth might be considerably slower as well as the chances of success. Monstera deliciosa, the Swiss cheese plant, is a species of flowering plant native to tropical forests of southern Mexico, south to Panama. It has been introduced to many tropical areas, and has become a mildly invasive species in Hawaii, Seychelles, Ascension Island and the Society Islands. Att monstera blivit en av våra mest populära inomhusväxter är enkelt att förstå. Den storbladiga växten är både dekorativ och enkel att sköta om.

Monstera Plant needs plant food for best results. You can feed it once a month during the spring and summer season, but not in winter season, especially in the colder months to allow the plant to rest.

Plantering: Plantera om din monstera vartannat år och ge den gödning under vår och höst. Ursprungligen kommer monsteran från Centralamerika och gillar därför hög luftfuktighet. Monsteran är en epifyt, vilket innebär att den klättrar på andra växter för att nå solstrålarna och kan därför i naturen bli upp mot 10 meter hög.

The monstera requires water once a week during the summer and spring season and once every two weeks during the winter season. Never forget to check the soil first. Often, the soil’s top area feels dry, but from the inside, the soil is still moist. This can lead to overwatering.

Monstera Plant needs plant food for best results. You can feed it once a month during the spring and summer season, but not in winter season, especially in the colder months to allow the plant to rest. By giving the plant some fertilizers during the growing months, the roots will grow healthier.

Monstera season

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Vaile of Sarah Whit Interior Design gives us what she's coveting for the summer season. Monstera leaf on Ceylon Yellow background. Tropical plant monstera in hard light. Copy space for text. Creative layout monstera leaves decorating f.
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This started out as a clipping from my main Monstera Deliciosa plant. I saw the tip of a new leaf sprouting, so I set up my GoPro to take a picture every 60

You can expect your plant to develop rapidly throughout that period, and during this time, you will see a growth of over 2 feet (24 inches). Reduce the frequency of fertilizing to 2-3 times during the growing season. Monstera deliciosa which is grown in sandy soil with a low pH should also get an annual soil drench.

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11 Apr 2021 25.1k members in the Monstera community. Hi and welcome to r/monstera - Our community is all about the discussion of all things Monstera 

Such can be a frustrating wait for propagation. If you are lucky with the Monstera Deliciosa seeds, you can place them in moist and warm soil like many other seeds. Do not worry too much about light. The Monstera Adansonii grows vigorously at regular intervals and usually cannot be taken into consideration as house plants. The plant has large, heart-shaped leaves and is a climb-loving plant. When the plant matures, it may reach a height of up to 10-20 m.